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来  源: 绿色制药协同创新中心 日  期: 2017-12-25 点击率: 413

    讲座地点: 新教楼401室
    主讲人:尹航 教授
    The protein-protein and protein?nucleic acid interfaces have been regarded as “undruggable” despite their importance in many biological processes. The toll-like receptors (TLRs) provide exciting targets for a number of autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, pain management, and cancers. Using multidisciplinary approaches, we have successfully developed novel exogenous small molecule probes that were shown to be competitive inhibitors or activators of various TLRs with high affinity and specificity. Some of the lead compounds are currently in the pipeline for further drug discovery.
    Keywords: TLR, protein-protein interactions, protein?nucleic acid interactions
    2007年-2017年,美国科罗拉多大学化学和生物化学系教授;2014年-至今,清华大学教授,国家 “千人计划”、国家特聘专家,博士生导师; 2004年获美国耶鲁大学博士学位;2004年-2007年,宾夕法尼亚大学医学院,博士后。
    研究兴趣:免疫药物研发、膜蛋白计算机模拟、癌症筛查和诊断、风湿免疫疾病等。迄今为止,尹航教授团队在Nature, Science, Science and Nature子刊,PNAS, Angew Chem Int. Ed, JACS等杂志上发表论文100余篇,H-index为34,国内外专利10件并有多项专利已经成果转化。尹航教授应邀在世界知名大学、国际会议上作报告超过100次。尹航教授是《自然》出版集团 《科学报道》及《PLOS ONE》编委、国际外泌体协会理事。
    讲座题目二:‘Privileged’ Structures Directed Organocatalytic Cascade Diversity and Complexity Synthesis and Biological Studies
    主讲人:王卫 教授
    Fundamental to our research is the discovery of new reactivities of organocatalysis, which then transform into highly efficient enantioselective cascade reactions for the facile construction of complex molecular architectures with biologically relevant properties. Along this line, we have developed a series of new organocatalytic enantioselective cascade reactions to synthesize medicinally important ‘privileged’ structures. These methods enable to facilely create comppunds with scaffold-, funcional and stereochemical diversity in one-pot opeation. Further simple synthetic elaboration of these molecular architectures produces structurally diverse, natural product-like chemical library. Biological screening of these compounds leads to promising lead compounds for drug disocvery.
    主讲人介绍:美国新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)化学系终身教授、博士生导师;华东理工大学药学院肿瘤药物研究所所长,教授、博士生导师;国家首批“千人计划”特聘专家。2000年美国北卡州立大学(North Carolina State University)获化学博士;2000-2001,美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)化学系,博士后。
    研究兴趣:研究涉及有机合成新方法学,化学生物学和新药研发。迄今为止,在Nature Commun., Nature Mol. Biol., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., J. Biol. Chem., Chem. Sci., ACS Chem. Biol., ACS Synth. Biol., ACS Catal., Org. Lett., Chem. Commun.等杂志上发表论文230多篇,专著1本和章节16篇,H-index为64,国内外专利6件。开发的手性吡喏烷磺酰胺类催化剂已成功地转让给美国Aldrich Chemical公司;研发的新型抗癌药物转让给美国Andaman Therapeutics,正开展临床试验,可望成为用于治疗乳腺癌、肺癌、白血病和前列腺癌的抗癌新药。